Clinipath provides the clinician with the tools to perform in-depth, timely diagnosis and manage clinical disorders.
Our services are governed by the highest quality assurance standards and are performed by a highly professional and dedicated team of scientists with the utmost skill and care to ensure the consistent robustness of investigation results.
Medical Practitioners and Clinics
You can refer your patients directly to our laboratory.
Alternatively, you may collect the required specimens yourself. Our courier service is available for your convenience to collect these specimens from your clinic.
Self referral
A client can contact us directly to have a general check-up, or to request specific laboratory tests. Our team can advise on specific laboratory tests required and assist in the result interpretation.
​Insurance Companies
You can refer your clients to our laboratory for any diagnostics you may require.
You can refer your current employees or prospective ones to our laboratory for any screening you may require. Our occupational physicians can also assist in developing a robust company health programme that will ensure the wellbeing of your team members.