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Get moving - best exercises you can do

Do you just want to exercise for your health but feel intimidated by the thought of going to a gym? Don’t worry, you are not alone!

Just seeing some of those exercise diehards pumping iron, seeing the array of bikes, treadmills and other machinery may be enough to send you back to your cosy, safe and comfortable couch! And the issue is always: how will I find the time and what are the best exercises I should be doing?

Yet you can get fit without ever stepping foot into a gym.

If you are not looking to run a marathon, there are some great physical exercises that you can do which will give superb health benefits, including helping your mobility and range of motion, and strengthening your bones. No matter your age, you can get moving and get in shape, and this will help you lower your risk of various illnesses.


Surrounded as we are by sea, swimming is the natural choice of exercise that comes to mind. And it is good to know that it is probably one of the best forms of exercise you can choose. The buoyancy of the water supports your body and protects you from impact. This means that if you suffer from painful joints, you will be able to move more easily without pain. The resistance of the water gives you an all over work-out and is also great if you suffer from arthritis as it is less-weight bearing.

You can also join an aqua aerobics class as this is great fun and helps you burn up calories while toning up.


Walking is another easy one to do with little or no investment. All you need is a good pair of shoes and you can start off from as little as 10-15 minutes. Walking can help you burn calories and lose weight and also raise your “good“ HDL cholesterol levels. It can also strengthen your bones and keep your blood pressure in check and lower your risk for a number of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

You can slowly build up your walk routine, walking for longer, and walking faster, and also taking new routes to keep you invigorated by new views and vistas.


Strength Training

When we talk about strength training you may think of those macho, big body builders heaving huge weights. But strength training may be done simply by using your own body’s weight, an elastic band, or light weights. The aim is not to achieve huge bulk but to form and strengthen muscles. If you do not use your muscles, over time, they will lose their tone and strength, so it is important to keep them toned and use them regularly.

Also muscles burn more calories, and that means it easier to maintain and lose weight with a better muscle tone.

When starting out, it is important to start slow and light, and slowly build up to more repetitions and weight. You should be able to do a particular exercise 10 times with ease. If you can easily lift the weights or do the exercise for 12 times, it may be time to move up to a slightly heavier weight or a more difficult iteration of the exercise. Alternatively, you can increase the number of repetitions.

Tai chi

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that is practiced both for self-defense and for health. Tai chi is made up of slow, intentional movements and is popular as a form of gentle exercise giving benefits to both mental and physical health. In fact, it is often referred to as "meditation in motion".  Tai chi is accessible for people of all ages and fitness levels and is particularly good for older people as there is a strong focus on balance, and balance is something we tend to lose as we get older.

Many of the things we do for fun can count as exercise. Housework, running up and down the stairs, playing with your kids or grandkids, dancing, all count as exercise. Try to aim for 30 minutes a day of some form of aerobic exercise and also try to include 2 days of strength training a week, and you count yourself as an “active” person!

Did you know that exercise can improve your mental state and put you in a better mood? It may also improve memory, preserve brain function and resist age-related memory loss. So get moving today. as the benefits are so worth the effort, and once you get into the habit, this will become an intrinsic and appreciated part of your life.

Do consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regime.

Your physical fitness is up to you, but if you are interested in a comprehensive physical screening, do speak to us and we will help guide you to a healthier you.

Contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on


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