In this fourth article where we discuss different aspects of your employees’ health and wellness, we will tackle the last of four pillars:
· Sleep
· Stress management
· Diet
We should all focus on these 4 core pillars every single day of our lives.
It is so easy to put off exercise: it is easily the first item that will fall between the cracks when we’re struggling to manage our time. And this is a challenge that most of us face on a daily basis. Between work, family, home and personal commitments, finding time for exercise often seems like the last straw that will break the camel’s back.
However, NOT exercising can lead to so many negative effects that it is really not worth considering. Lack of exercise can lead to poor sleep, weight issues and obesity, as muscle mass is lost and fat gained; lack of energy, tiredness, joint stiffness, higher levels of stress and poor moods.
On the flip side, regular exercise can provide so many benefits to both your body and your brain that it is really worth the effort. During exercise, your body releases endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, and these all contribute to fight anxiety and depression, helping us to handle stress better. Exercise improves our oxygen levels, improving our muscle mass and cardiovascular health. It gives us a stronger immune system, stronger bones by building bone mass, and helps us to maintain a healthy weight. All these benefits contribute to improve our self-confidence and even our creativity.
Wow – what an amazing bundle of goodies can be unleashed by this investment of time in regular exercise!
How much should you exercise?
The general recommendation is in the region of 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, 5 times a week. That amounts to 150 minutes per week. Alternatively you should aim for about 75 minutes of strenuous exercise per week, or a combination of the two. Strength training exercises twice a week are also great to help you increase that muscle mass.
It may be difficult to find time to fit in a full work-out if you work all day. Keep in mind, however, that every time you move will count towards the total daily exercise you need.
Here are some ideas to help you get moving:
Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and take an early morning walk
Work a few walking and exercise breaks into your day. Apart from the exercise, these are great to blow off steam and help you re-focus. Some people go for a ciggie break: you can go for a walk around the block.
Take the stairs instead of the lift. If you live or work on the 4th floor, you can start off walking one flight of steps, then slowly increase.
Choose an exercise that you enjoy so that you find it easier to get into the habit. Also make an exercise choice that is convenient: for example, choose a gym that is close to your work or home.

Find an exercise buddy – in this way, you can encourage each other and create accountability in each other.
Prepare your gym / exercise stuff from the night before and take them with you to work. That way, you do not have the risk of not having time to prepare in the morning, or the temptation to skip the gym and go home after work.

Alternatively do your exercise in the morning – this sets you up fantastically for the day ahead, giving you loads of energy, and it avoids the possibility of your exercise routine being interrupted by extended work meetings or other interruptions.
Block out time on your calendar to devote to exercise. This will avoid meetings coming in that will interrupt your exercise schedule.
Give yourself a target to work toward, such as to walk 8,000 steps a day or get to 5k.
Get a dog – who will be your own inhouse personal trainer, demanding regular exercise!
Can You Help Your Employees Move More?
There are many ways that you can encourage your employees to move more. You can create office activities that involve movement such as regular hikes or swims. You can also encourage team members to sign up for a group midday exercise break.

Organise a company team to take part in football, basketball, volleyball tournaments – there’s always something happening. And what about aiming for that marathon or half marathon – encourage team members to get a group together and train together towards such a goal – it’s even great for team spirit!
Check out the first three articles in this series here:
Investing In Your Employees’ Wellness: SLEEP (1 of 4)
Investing In Your Employees’ Wellness: Stress Management (2 of 4)
Investing In Your Employees’ Wellness: Diet (3 of 4)
If you would like support with your team’s wellness, we can help. We can provide you and your team with a Company Wellness Program. Do speak to us and we will help guide you and your team.
Contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on info@clinipath.com.mt