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Investing In Your Employees’ Wellness: Stress Management (2 of 4)

In this second article where we discuss different aspects of your employees’ health and wellness, we will tackle the second of four pillars:

·       Sleep


·       Diet

·       Exercise

We should all focus on these 4 core pillars every single day of our lives.




Stress is a partner in every person’s life and it is actually good to a certain extent. Stress can make us take action when needed, meet deadlines, react quickly in a dangerous situation, such as braking when a cat shoots in front of your car, or shooting out your hand when a bottle topples over. However, stress is bad when it becomes unmanageable and impacts our health negatively

Each individual has different levels of stress tolerance, and what may be energising to person A may be nerve-wracking and debilitating to person B. Stress is bad when it becomes unmanageable or chronic and negatively impacts our health.

As mentioned in our first article in this series, it is a well-known and proven fact that businesses lose a significant amount of money annually because of reduced productivity and health-related absences from work. And stress can contribute significantly to missed workdays and also presenteeism. Helping employees handle their stress better is beneficial on a personal basis but also helps the employer!


Stress can be caused by a myriad of sources, from family and work situations to money issues, personal loss, life changes as well as personal and family illness. Learning to deal with our stressors will help us feel more in control over the events in our life, making us happier and contributing to a more fulfilled lifestyle

On the other hand, when stress issues are not tackled, it can lead to a long list of possible effects.

Why is this? There is actually a medical / physical reason for this. When we are under stress, the body is in “fight or flight” mode and adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream to prepare the body for the expected emergency. If this state continues, too much of these hormones in our bloodstream can lead to inflammation and a range of health issues.


Prolonged stress can lead to sleep issues, headaches, mood disorders and even depression, weight gain, digestive issues, a compromised immune system, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and even premature ageing, amongst other possible causes!




We all have that go-to method that works for us to blow off steam. It may be watching our favourite sitcom, reading a book, going for a walk with our four-legged friend…..It is important for us to acknowledge this and MAKE TIME for this activity regularly to help us reduce our stress levels. It is only when we disconnect that we can achieve balance in our lives, and this will help us be more efficient and productive.

Some ways that are proven to help reduce your stress are:

  • Start your day with positive thinking.

  • Dedicate short periods throughout the day to self-care such as breathing exercises and meditation.

  • Make sure you prioritise your to-do list. This also means that you need to learn how to say NO, and also to set realistic targets.

  • Multi-tasking has now been debunked: focus on one task at a time.

  • Do take short but frequent breaks throughout the day – go for a coffee, nip outside for a quick “unplug” – you will find that this will refresh your body and mind and energise you.

  • Eat well – healthy food will ensure that you have the energy to last through the day.

  • Exercise is known to help you keep sane, helping you vent out your frustrations and allowing you to focus on the physical activity and unplug.

  • Make a fixed appointment in your schedule for downtime as otherwise, this is the activity that will be shelved most regularly.

  • Do not underestimate the value of social interaction – confiding in family and friends can help you get a different perspective on things and, as they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

From a management level, do check in with your employees on a regular basis to see how they are coping with their workloads. They may need more flexible working hours because they have something going on in their family, or they may want support or team input on a task. Making sure you catch up regularly with them will ensure that they have the space to voice such needs and so helps to avoid stress levels building too high.

Other ways that you may be able to support your employees is to provide them with mental support where needed, encouraging them to schedule in their downtime regularly, and supporting their physical wellness through a Company Wellness Program.


Check out the first article in this series here:


If you would like support with your team’s wellness, we can help. We can provide you and your team with a Company Wellness Program. Do speak to us and we will help guide you and your team.

Contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on

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