In a world that encourages a fast-paced lifestyle and where 15-second videos are the population's primary source of entertainment, sustaining attention for prolonged periods can prove to be challenging. Whilst controlling one's attention can be difficult, mastering this skill allows one to manage time efficiently and be as productive as possible.
A lack of concentration can manifest itself in different ways. Procrastination and experiencing yourself "zoning out" are definite signs that your aims and aspirations are being delayed because of a bad attention span. If this issue seems to resonate with you, there are multiple ways how it can be improved.
How can I improve my attention span?
One way of improving your attention span is to train your mind to be aware and fully present of and in the moment. This simple albeit difficult task has been proven to improve one's attention span, substantially decrease stress levels, and subsequently boost productivity levels. Achieving this state of mind equips a person with the power to recognise distractions and choose not to engage with them whilst continuing to maintain their concentration on whatever they chose to focus on. This practice is known as mindfulness.
What is mindfulness?
In the scientific world, meditation has become increasingly popular as more studies continue to reveal its intricacies and the potential benefits it may have on an individual's attention span and overall mental health.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that does not only exist within scientific and medical circles but can be noted to be a crucial discipline in some of the world's prominent religions such as Buddhism. Focused attention meditation and open monitoring meditation are the two most common types of meditation recommended by neuroscientists and health care professionals as means of increasing and developing one's cognitive abilities.
What is focused attention meditation?
Focused attention meditation involves prioritising a certain sense-perception or sense itself, and channelling all of one's attention towards it. Distractions and brain fog are recognised but are not given any importance, permitting one to proceed with one's concentration smoothly. For example, if you have selected completing a write-up as your focal point and whilst concentrating on it you feel hungry and start fantasising about lunch, simply acknowledge that idea as a distraction and continue to focus on the write-up.
What is open-monitoring meditation?
Contrarily, open monitoring meditation does not hone in on a single focal point. It distances itself from categorising what one perceives and aims for a dissociative awareness uncoloured by subjective observation. Open monitoring meditation allows you to discover and perceive the world around you with a non-judgmental and non-reactive mindset, separate from previous experiences you may have had. Therefore, introspection becomes easier and clearer as you can reflect on yourself from a detached point of view.
Practising mindfulness with the intent of acquiring a meditative state of mind does not require great amounts of time or dedication. A few consistent minutes of practising meditation techniques have been proven by neuroscience to improve one's concentration.
Severe lack of concentration can also be the result of physical health issues. At Clinipath, we can provide comprehensive blood work promptly and we recommend annual screening tests for effective diagnosis to ensure that you can maintain your quality of life.
If you would like information contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on for more information.