We all know that regular physical activity is important for each one of us. But why is that?
When we exercise, we help deliver oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and also contribute to help our cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when the condition of our heart and lungs improve, we will automatically have more energy to tackle our daily chores.
What are the benefits of regular physical activity
The benefits are considerable and include the possibility to:
reduce the risk of a heart attack
manage your weight
lower your blood cholesterol level
lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and also the risk of some cancers
lower your blood pressure
contribute to having stronger bones and muscles and joints and lower the risk of developing osteoporosis
improve your balance and reduce your risk of falls
have a faster and better recovery from any periods of sickness or hospitalisation
feel better overall as exercise affects your mood and also improves the quality of your sleep, giving you more energy.
For people with diabetes there are additional benefits as exercise helps to lower blood glucose levels naturally and independent of insulin. It also boosts your body’s sensitivity to insulin, countering insulin resistance. Additionally, strength training builds muscles which burns more glucose than other types of tissue.
So what can you do if you wish to increase your activity level? There are some simple steps you can take to start moving in the right direction.
One important to keep in mind is that Rome was not built in a day, - do NOT try to introduce an exercise regime that is too ambitious as you will be setting yourself up to fail. Doing any physical activity is better than doing none at all. So, if at the moment you do no physical activity whatsoever, start small by doing just a little amount of exercise, and you can then gradually build this up as you go along.
You can easily increase your daily activity levels by making small changes in your daily routines. For example, you can walk or cycle instead of using the car when you are going to the shops or for that quick errand, get off the bus a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way, or walking the children to school.
It’s a matter of small choices in your day-to-day routine that can help you boost your activity levels:
Take the stairs instead of the lift. If for example, you live on the 4th floor, start by walking up one or two stories and take the lift for the rest of the way, and then slowly build up until you are walking up all the way.
Do some gardening and / or housework or wash your car instead of going to the carwash. All these activities will contribute to increase your overall activity level and burn calories too.
These changes may seem small to you, however when you manage to do these on a daily basis, they will add up considerably.
If you are already quite active or your job requires an amount of movement, you may wish to raise the amount of activity in your daily and weekly routine. It is important to plan an exercise plan that will suit your lifestyle, something that you will enjoy doing as otherwise, your plan will not be sustainable in the long term.
The first thing you need to do is to look at the structure of your day and identify time slots during the day which you could dedicate to exercise. For example, can you wake up 45 minutes earlier in the morning, can you fit in a walk or run at lunchtime, or would the evening be a more convenient time for you? You may need to juggle some tasks and ask for help from family members in order to be able to fit this into your regular schedule.
Be creative with the options you consider and don’t just opt for a gym membership as this may not make sense to you. The aim is to achieve at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week which is 30 minutes, 5 days a week, and could be as simple as walking. That should be achievable, don’t you think? Additionally, you may try to add two strength training sessions per week as the combination of aerobic exercise and strength training seems to provide the best balance.
You will very soon start reaping the benefits of your exercise as you start to feel better, more energetic, more positive, and you will also sleep better.
One important warning: if you have not been active for a while, it is always important to consult your doctor before starting off any exercise regime.
Quality of life is determined by your health, and physical fitness is one important factor contributing to your health. Regular medical and blood screening is also key and we recommend annual screening tests for effective diagnosis to ensure that you can maintain your quality of life.
If you would like information contact us today on +356 21221355, 9985 2404 or send an email on info@clinipath.com.mt for more information.