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Paper Abstract

Fasting before blood collection

For certain blood tests such as Lipid testing and Fasting Blood Glucose levels please note that you cannot eat or drink anything (except water) for 12 hours before your blood test. You may drink water, but should not drink juice, tea or coffee. Patients are also advised not to smoke, chew gum, or exercise as these activities may alter test results.


After the blood specimen is collected, you may resume your normal diet.

Paper Abstract

Collection of mid-stream urine

Collection of mid-stream ‘clean catch’ urine - Bacterial testing and PCR testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.


The following simple steps should be followed when collecting a mid-stream urine sample for bacterial testing:


Early morning urine specimens are preferred, although urine collected at other times of the day are acceptable. A "mid-stream clean catch" urine sample is necessary for a bacterial culture or for a PCR test for Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea so that any bacteria present around the urethra and on the hands do not contaminate the specimen.


  • Prepare an approved empty sterile container.

  • Wash and dry hands thoroughly.

  • Open the container in preparation and make sure that the inner surfaces of container are not touched.

  • Ideally, the “lower parts” of the urogenital area should be washed.

  • WOMEN - wipe from front to back between the folds of skin.

  • MEN - retract the foreskin (if un-circumcised), and clean the glans (head of the penis).

  • The intent is to collect a sample midway through the urination process (hence the name "mid-stream" urine).

    • Pass a small amount of urine into the toilet. This initial stream of urine may be contaminated with skin and urethral bacteria.

    • Then midway through urination, you should pass urine into the container. The container should only be filled to the half (1/2) or two thirds (2/3) mark.

    • The remaining urine should be passed into the toilet.

    • Immediately, the container should be closed using its cap which should be tightened firmly.​

  • You are advised to wash your hands well after collecting the specimen.


Please bring the urine specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. The urine specimen is to be refrigerated (NOT in freezer) if it is not brought to the laboratory immediately.

Abstract Shape

Collection of 24hr urine

​The following simple steps should be followed by the patient when collecting a 24-hour urine sample. It is important to follow this procedure very carefully as the test results are based on the total amount of tested substance excreted over a 24-hour period.


  • Please drink as much fluid as possible (1 ½ - 2 Litres) during the 24-hour collection period.

  • Use an appropriate urine container for the test requested. Certain tests require a preservative to be in the container prior to commencement of collection.

  • The results provided to the clinician depend upon the collection of all urine, and high volume, excreted during an entire 24-hour period.

First thing in the morning at a designated time (e.g. 7:00 am) you should

completely empty your bladder and DISCARD this first morning specimen.

You must then take note and record the 'exact' start time.


ALL urine specimens are to be collected during the remainder of the day, evening and night for the entire 24-Hour period and added to the container. Please gently shake the container after adding each urine specimen. The urine container is to be kept refrigerated during the 24-Hour collection period and until brought to the laboratory for testing.

Exactly 24 hours later (for example 7:00 a.m.) you must completely void your bladder into the container. This is the last specimen and completes the 24-hour collection. The container should be closed with its cap which should be tightened firmly.


Please bring the urine specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. The urine specimen is to be refrigerated (NOT in freezer) if it is not brought to the laboratory immediately.

Abstract Shape

Collection of Sputum Sample for Culture

The following simple steps should be followed when collecting sputum samples.


Sputum is mucus or phlegm material that is coughed up from the lungs. Spit or saliva are NOT appropriate materials for the investigation.


Early morning sputum samples are preferable, but samples collected at other times of the day are also acceptable.


  • Prepare an approved empty sterile container.

  • Wash and dry hands thoroughly.

  • Open the container in preparation and make sure that the inner surfaces of the container are not touched.

  • Rinse your mouth well with water and remove any dentures.

  • After a big cough, place the sputum into the empty container.  Close the container tightly.

  • You are advised to wash your hands well after collecting the specimen.


Please bring the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. The specimen is to be refrigerated (NOT in freezer) if it is not brought to the laboratory immediately.

Paper Abstract

Collection of Stool Sample for Culture & Parasitology

The following simple steps should be followed when collecting stool samples for culture & parasitology.


  • Prepare an approved empty sterile container.

  • Wash and dry hands thoroughly.

  • Please pass stools into a clean recipient, such as a chamber pot.

  • Alternatively, if you are using a toilet bowl, please ensure that most of the water is removed and that a wad of toilet paper is placed in the toilet bowl. The stools can then be passed onto the toilet paper. 

  • Using the applicator stick provided, you can then remove a small portion of the stool specimen (about the size of an olive), into the approved container.

  • You are advised to wash your hands well after collecting the specimen.


Please bring the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. The specimen is to be refrigerated (NOT in freezer) if it is not brought to the laboratory immediately.

Abstract Shape

Collection of Stool Sample for Occult Blood

The following simple steps should be followed when collecting stool samples for occult blood.


The occult blood test looks for very small amounts of blood in the stools. If you are bleeding from an active condition, such as haemorrhoids or are menstruating, this could contaminate the stool with blood and give incorrect results. You must therefore wait until the bleeding is over before being tested.



There are some foods and drugs that interfere with this test.

  • For seven (7) days before and during the stool collection period patient must avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen or Aspirin (no more than one adult aspirin a day). Acetaminophens (Tylenol) can be taken as needed.

  • For three (3) days before and during the stool collection period patient must avoid Vitamin C in excess of 250 mg a day from supplements, citrus fruits or juices. The recommended daily amount of Vitamin C for an adult is 60 mg a day. Some Iron supplements also contain Vitamin C in excess of 250 mg.

  • For three (3) days before and during the stool collection period patient must avoid red meats (including beef, lamb, liver). However, it is recommended that patient eats a well balanced diet including fiber such as bran cereals, non-citrus fruits and vegetables.



  • Prepare an approved empty sterile container.

  • Wash and dry hands thoroughly.

  • Please pass stools into a clean recipient, such as a chamber pot.

  • Alternatively, if you are using a toilet bowl, please ensure that most of the water is removed and that a wad of toilet paper is placed in the toilet bowl. The stools can then be passed onto the toilet paper. 

  • Using the applicator stick provided, you can then remove a small portion of the stool specimen (about the size of an olive), into the approved container.

  • You are advised to wash your hands well after collecting the specimen.


Please bring the specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible. The specimen is to be refrigerated (NOT in freezer) if it is not brought to the laboratory immediately.

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